In this episode of Brave New Us, I interview Dr. Christopher Kaczor, a professor of philosophy and the author of The Ethics of Abortion: Women’s Rights, Human Life, and the Question of Justice. We discuss some of the most challenging and controversial questions in the abortion debate, such as:
Can artificial wombs end the abortion debate?
Is your body really your choice when it comes to pregnancy and abortion?
How do we engage with feminists about abortion?
How do religion and natural law help us argue against abortion?
Listen to this episode to learn more about the ethics of abortion and the challenges and opportunities for finding common ground in this controversial issue!
PS The show is now being edited by @sonofassisi over on Instagram — head on over to check out his inspirational content!
The Dystopian Digest
Cloned monkey still alive after two years – so are we nearer to replicating humans? What are the ethical and scientific implications of cloning monkeys, which share 93% of their DNA with humans, and how soon will this technology inevitably be used to clone humans?
The Future of Down Syndrome: A puzzling article from the NYT, considering they were the ones to break the news about how abysmally noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) fails, sometimes as a rate of over 90% false positives.
Dutch Scientists Grow Mini-brains in the Lab: Dutch scientists have grown 3D “mini-brains” from human fetal brain tissue, which can self-organize in a dish and provide a new tool for studying brain development and disease with a new brand of disregard for human life.
Brave New Views
If you are fascinated by the history and science of viruses, don’t miss Incubation, a podcast hosted by Jacob Goldstein. This podcast takes you on a journey through the history of humanity through viruses, from influenza to HPV, and shows you how vaccines and new technologies are changing the game in the evolutionary contest between humans and viruses.
Curious about the dark side of medicine? Then you need to watch Bad Surgeon: Love Under the Knife. This a Netflix series directed by Ben Steele exposes the shocking story of Dr. Paolo Macchiarini, a celebrated surgeon who became famous for his revolutionary stem cell-infused windpipe transplants, while leaving a trail of dead patients and lies behind him.
New Year Sale
A quick reminder — annual subscriptions are 50% off, just $2.08/mo. (that’s a huge saving of $25 per year!)
Celebrate the death of Roe with a toast to all the other dehumanizing practices we plan to take down in its wake.
Offer ends Monday. Don’t miss this chance to support this newsletter and podcast defending the sanctity of life and the dignity of the human person.