Season 2 is live on YouTube!
The Sexual Revolution promised equality for women, lifting up contraception and abortion as essential tools to even the playing field. A generation later, is that what we’ve inherited?
Listen in as author Leah Jacobson explains the rotten fruits of the feminist tree to uncover what women really need for full flourishing as women in society, and why that means embracing our bodies rather than muting some of our greatest capabilities.
What’s new in bioethics?
Are you a woman or a non-man? Apparently, lesbians, at least don’t get to be women anymore.
GoFundMe is actively supporting the trans movement by providing a special page for users to request funding for transition surgery. Why wouldn’t they? They get a piece of the cut, after all. When those surgeries result in the appalling-but-typically high rate of complications and need reversal, well, GoFundMe will be there for that, too…
In shocking news, OTC birth control will not lower abortion rates, and for users of the prescription brand Tydemy, may directly contribute to unplanned pregnancy.
Reviving Femininity
Thoroughly unsatisfied* Matt Walsh’s definition of a woman as merely an adult human female, I’ve begun a new campaign on Instagram.
I’m convinced feminism killed femininity, and it’s time to revive it. What does that mean? I’m still working it out. But I’d love for you to join me while I do…
*What is a Woman? is a fantastic documentary. I’m just picking up where the film leaves off.
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