IVF is fraught with ethical perils, but isn’t it the best we have to offer couples struggling with the pain of infertility? If there was something less costly and more effective, we would all know about it, right?
Samantha chats with Dr. Monique Ruberu about the trouble with IVF, the beauty of NaPro technology for healing underlying causes of women’s health issues, as well as what it truly means to be a pro-life physician.
What’s new in bioethics?
Huxley himself couldn’t have imagined these mind-controlled sex toys, further alienating us from one another and the meaning and purpose of our sexuality.
Scientists who managed to revive a roundworm frozen for 46,000 years posit their research may provide insights into human cryogenics.
Scientists are wiping cells’ memory and “reprogramming” them in an attempt to build better stem cells, further enabling them to use the building blocks of life for the creation of…whatever they wish.
Want to Connect?
I’ll have a table at the Idaho Catholic Women’s Conference TOMORROW if you want to come say hi, get your book signed, or grab a few copies for some friends.
Emily Wilson is our keynote speaker. The in-person conference is completely SOLD OUT, but you can get virtual tickets here.
In Case You Missed It
Disney Reaches New Lows
Disney is creating a buzz with its newest foray into programming for mature audiences as it debuts “Pauline,” a series about a teen girl who finds herself pregnant after a one-night stand with Satan.
Yes, you read that right. The production company once synonymous with family-friendly programming is jumping into bed with the devil himself.
Books: Mama Prays | Reclaiming Motherhood from a Culture Gone Mad
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