In this episode of Brave New Us, we tackle the contentious issue of surrogacy, sparked by Pope Francis’s recent denunciation. The media storm reveals a profound misunderstanding of the Pope’s stance, often detached from religious arguments.
We dissect a CNN opinion piece criticizing the Pope’s views as misogynistic and out of touch, reflecting a broader critique of the Church’s teachings on gender and reproduction. The episode counters these claims by highlighting the Church’s historical role in uplifting women and its nuanced approach to law-making.
We also discuss Olivia Morel, a surrogacy-born activist, and her surprising unawareness of the Church’s long-standing position against surrogacy, as outlined in Donum Vitae (1987). This gap in public knowledge underscores the need for better communication from the Church on such issues.
Join us as we delve into the ethical, social, and personal dimensions of surrogacy, guided by the Church’s teachings on the dignity of motherhood, the rights of children, and the sanctity of marriage.
Tune in to Brave New Us for an enlightening discussion on one of today’s most debated topics.
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Mama Prays is dedicated to illuminating the beauty of prayer in the everyday lives of Catholic mothers (dads are welcome, too!).
Each episode and article is crafted to inspire, uplift, and guide you through integrating prayer into the rhythm of daily life.
Whether you’re in need of spiritual nourishment or practical tips for cultivating a prayerful home, “Mama Prays” is here to accompany you on your journey. Subscribe and let’s embark on this beautiful adventure of faith together.
Books: Mama Prays | Reclaiming Motherhood from a Culture Gone Mad
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Podcasts: Brave New Us | Mama Prays