The Dark World of Fetal Tissue Research
Is it okay to use abortion-tainted vaccines? What is there’s not other alternative? What about all the other treatments being developed using the body parts of aborted fetuses?
Samantha chats with Dr. Stacy Trasancos of Children of God for Life to get clarity on Catholic teaching surrounding the use of the unborn in medical research.
What she reveals in this interview about the state of embryonic and fetal tissue research in the US is harrowing, a call to all of us to take action.
What’s new in bioethics?
In rare good bioethics news, a gene therapy has been shown to restore neural connections in a brain disorder known as Hurler Syndrome.
Researchers have managed to grow what they are calling “skin organoids” out of stem cells that they hope will be useful in the future of regenerative medicine.
This 2017 study suggests that a significant number of surrogates are actually giving away their own biological children and NOT the embryos that were implanted.
Want to Connect?
I’ll have a table at the Idaho Catholic Women’s Conference next Saturday if you want to come say hi, get your book signed, or grab a few copies for some friends.
Emily Wilson is our keynote speaker. The in-person conference is completely SOLD OUT, but you can get virtual tickets here.
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Finding Real Happiness in a Success-Driven Culture
My day starts with a rescue mission. Ear splitting screams sound the alarm: the 3-year-old has absconded with his sister’s mermaid. I’m allowed half a breath before I hear it: the bookcase creaks, threatening collapse.