You Won't Believe What These Scientists Are Getting Away With
Plus BIG news, a new podcast, and an award nomination
Brave New Us is Coming to YouTube!
On this Feast of Corpus Christi, I’m excited to announce to email subscribers FIRST that over the next few weeks, I’ll be re-releasing captioned videos on a newly created Brave New Us YouTube Channel, all leading up to…
Video interviews!
Viewers will be able to see the faces of brilliant guests sharing vital information and in-depth reflections on these deeply important issues.
If you’ve missed episodes, this is a great opportunity to catch up!
And, of course, I need YOUR help.
First, please subscribe to the channel and let the algorithm know there is demand for this content.
Second, great production value requires up-front capitol. If you believe in sharing the pro-life message on emerging medical technologies, I’d be so grateful for your financial support for this project.
And of course, THANK YOU to those of who who continue to vote with your dollar by contributing to this mission each month.
Link Roundup: What’s new in bioethics?
The Good: Aggressive leukemia in 13-year-old girl DISAPPEARS thanks to CRISPR
The Bad: A new concept video proposes “birthing pod” facility to grow humans to full term in the lab.
The Really Ugly:
In a world where biological males seek to invade women’s spaces under the guise of autonomy, they now seek to co-opt their ability to bear life via uterine transplants. That’s right: men want women to surgically remove women’s uteruses so they can experience pregnancy.
Bioethicists are now proposing using the bodies of women in comas as gestational surrogates.
In other news:
My book, Reclaiming Motherhood from a Culture Gone Mad, has been nominated for the “Excellence in Catholic Publishing” Award by the Association of Catholic Publishing!
Other books in its category include the latest by Dr. Charlie Camosy and Bishop Baron, among others, so I am just delighted.
(If you haven’t picked up your copy yet, now is a good time. It’s on sale!)
In case you missed it:
When my former bioethics professor at Loyola Marymount advocated for legalized abortion through the first trimester, I offered my rebuttal at Word on Fire.
Catholic Review picked up my article explaining why conception after death, though possible, is off the table.
I sat down with Mary FioRito at CatholicVote’s Edify Podcast to discuss the current state of the attack on the family, how to talk to kids about pride month, and more.
You Won’t Believe These Experiments
Is it okay to use abortion-tainted vaccines? What is there’s not other alternative? What about all the other treatments being developed using the body parts of aborted fetuses?
Samantha chats with Dr. Stacy Trasancos of Children of God for Life to get clarity on Catholic teaching surrounding the use of the unborn in medical research.
What she reveals in this interview about the state of embryonic and fetal tissue research in the US is harrowing, a call to all of us to take action.
Books: Mama Prays | Reclaiming Motherhood from a Culture Gone Mad
Connect: Twitter |
YouTube: Brave New Us: Catholic Bioethics
Podcast: Brave New Us
Hoping that you and your family are also well....We just celebrated our 55th anniversary. BTW, do you know about Monica Migliorino Miller (Red Rose Rescue). She's scheduled to join us on *The Open Door* this week.
Wow, you have been doing some great work! Thanks, and keep it up.