In every single instance of a difference between men and women that you list, you state that women are inferior to men. Men are better at ‘logical reasoning,’ women are more prone to diabetes, obesity, and autoimmune diseases than men are.

Is there anything worthwhile that you think women are good at, besides the shit work of caring for children and scrubbing floors?

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Hi Karen, I find it interesting that you interpret these facts to be demeaning to women. In general, men score higher at tests of logical reasoning. Women have better interpersonal skills and are better at attending to multiple tasks.

I think one of the reasons facts like these bother women is that they have been socialized to demean women’s particular giftedness and idolize men’s.

As to the diseases, again, those are the facts. I would hope these facts will lead researchers to conduct more research that is specifically geared towards women. As it stands, 80% of the drugs taken off market are removed because of harms done to women that likely would have been found with sufficient clinical testing on women prior to market (https://verilymag.com/2021/03/covid-19-clinical-trials-exclude-pregnant-breastfeeding-menstruating-women-2021).

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I don’t idolize logical reasoning. I simply acknowledge that such reasoning is actually a higher mental function than the mindless goo you assign to women. Civilization and everything good about humans is within our creativity and logic, two things you deny to women in exchange for our amazing skill at shit work.

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I disagree. I think the greatest thing about humans is ability to love, offer self-sacrifice and extend compassion. I would argue that these are the qualities the "greatest" humans share regardless of sex (Mother Teresa, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Jr.). I don't think that logic is unimportant, but I do believe certain other human qualities are of much higher value.

(And of course, it is worth noting that these things exist on a spectrum, so any one man or woman in particular might fall anywhere along that spectrum, and may not represent the general giftedness of his or her sex. For example, women may be generally more kind, but one particular woman might be far less kind than one specific man.)

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I've read that it is possible to have a brain of one sex but a body of another. If that is true, how does that affect your argument?

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That is not true, but I'd love to see the source you're referencing.

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Source: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180524112351.htm?fbclid=IwAR06djJLaPCGJI-3tlurLN2BN8ushNRytxJzNFUPOZ7qItqbriWEr3cDeN8

This study was cited by Sarah Terzo, a writer and member of the Consistent Life Network board. She discusses trans people and the science behind her position in the following article: Why I Say "Pregnant People" -- https://sarahterzo.substack.com/p/why-i-say-pregnant-people?r=1k678&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&fbclid=IwAR3cppAqPpRem70nA6i-pMD-tyCFKUrH-9oKL-ccwJ3huZhnW_KOl4OXm4o_aem_Aag4w-iKewhdNWxbi7FM1SVWQWUgrOYEwEroseTn3siHIi7ARg2sXVd2HUGOWea5BRZrobS9CstFEvbQMGvs7Tnb&triedRedirect=true

Thank you for your response, Lois

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Hi Lois, This study is saying that trans people have brain activity that is generally more similar to the opposite of their biological gender i.e. women who identify as men have brain patterns more similar to those of men than other women DESPITE having a brain that is comprised entirely of female genetic material.

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“Gender” roles are distinct from biological sense in the way that children’s clothes are distinct from children. They are the common-sense, organic result of biology and human being’s biological needs. Like children’s clothes, what is considered appropriate may change based on many factors including a culture’s resources, industry, and values. But children’s clothes must always meet the same basic need, which is to clothe children. So, it is my firm belief that we need roles and different spaces for men and women and roles in family units.

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